Within this section you can find details of our Coffee and Chat meet ups, training offers and events.
If there is something you would be interested in but can not see it please contact us and we will try to help you find what you need.
COFFEE & CHAT groups


Training Sessions and Dates
Information Coming Soon
All Age Autism Strategy
Priority 2 invitation to join one of two open coproduction events (online) in order to get a wide range of perspectives from those with autism, alongside the feedback from parents, carers and providers. Co-production is important to us in ensuring services are shaped and informed by those who receive and deliver services.
At the session we will be sharing the results of a survey that asked for experience and feedback about education and transition planning as well as an update on new specialist education bases opening in September. We will then be asking attendees to join smaller groups and coproduce priority statements for what we need to focus on in the next few years. These will be taken forward as recommendations to the strategy project group to inform and shape the final strategy.
Improving-Autistic-CYP’s-access-to-education-and-transition-support-Daytime Event
Improving-Autistic-CYP’s-access-to-education-and-transition-support-tickets-Evening event