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Our Priorities

Areas of work Pcvh is currently involved in

The SEND Assurance  Board & Partnership Board The development and implementation of the SEND system in Herefordshire  is overseen by the SEND Assurance Board and the SEND Partnership  Board.  The governance structure  can be found  in the Send Strategy document which can be found on the Council`s Local Pages .  Pcvh provides representation on both of these Boards  .  Ultimately the  SEND Partnership Board is responsible for ensuring that the outcomes in the  SEND Strategy are delivered. 


We attend many meetings so please have a look below at our diagrams for more information 

Parent Carer Voice Herefordshire – Outcomes Based Plan  23/24

Priority: Raising the Collective Voice & Co-production  

Priority: Short Breaks, Early Help & Direct Payments

Priority: Continence Service & Complex Health Needs

Priority: EHCP, Needs Assessments & Annual reviews 

Priority: Growing the membership 

Priority: Post 16 Transition/Support

Priority: Send in Mainstream 

Priority: Send Training