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Coproduction Charter

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) strategy 2023-26

Coproduction Week July 2024
Saw us set up a pledge station at the Herefordshire Council Plough Lane Offices .

We had access to the famous Yellow information Cart and was able to chat to all visitors to the site about why Coproduction is needed in every avenue of our Workstreams .

We are still collating the many pledges that we recieved over the week and will post more information as we complete the work 

Parent Carer Voice Herefordshire in partnership with Herefordshire Council and Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care System have enabled parent carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities to have their say and influence change in the delivery of services in Herefordshire. Our ‘You Said, We Did’ document highlights some of the improvements that have been made as a result of working in a co-productive way.

Please take a look by clicking the link below for the work we did in 2022 -2023


Who`s Who in Herefordshire Council Services for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and / or a Disability

Our special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) strategy is the plan we have developed together to help us to know which children and young people need support for their SEND and how we can help make sure our children and young people with SEND are happy, as healthy as possible and successful.

We had a lot of help to create this plan from young people, their parents, people who work with you and help you in education, health and care, and people who have lots of information about what is happening in Herefordshire. We also asked people from outside Herefordshire to have a look at what we do and tell us what they thought was working well and what we needed to do better.

We have an important aim to improve the education, health (including mental health) for all of the children and young people in Herefordshire with SEND. We are determined to do better and help more.

We have written our SEND strategy to you, our children and young people, because you are the most important people for us to think about and help, and we want to help make your lives the best they can be.

   Our five key priorities

  1. To find out as quickly as possible when a child or young person has special educational needs or disability (SEND), work out what help is needed and if you are that child or young person, make sure that help makes a real difference to you.
  2. To listen to what you and your families tell us about what works for you and what could be better and show you how what you tell us is making a difference to what we do.
  3. To make sure you get the right help at the right time.
  4. To make sure you are well prepared for your next steps in life and that you succeed.
  5. To make sure you feel valued, important and included.

SEND_STRATEGY_HFD4136v3_friendly_read.pdf (